• The Ultimate

    Logistic Solution

    Dedicated employees, working in many location around the country.
    Focus on customer reliability, customer responsiveness, high agility, cost efficiency,
    and the effectiveness in managing the supply chain's asset.

  • Providing First Class
    Freight Services

    Dedicated employees, working in many location around the country.
    Focus on customer reliability, customer responsiveness, high agility, cost efficiency,
    and the effectiveness in managing the supply chain's asset.

  • The Global Lead

    Logistic Provider

    Dedicated employees, working in many location around the country.
    Focus on customer reliability, customer responsiveness, high agility, cost efficiency,
    and the effectiveness in managing the supply chain's asset.

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Fastana Logistic Company

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PT. Fastana Logistik Indonesia
Jl. Suci No.114 Ciracas, Jakarta Timur


+6221 2282 6259 (hunting)

Opening Hours:

MON - FRI: 8am - 5pm

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